Olympiad Foundation

Olympiad Foundation is an Educational Organization for competitive exams at school level which are based on the Curriculum / Syllabus of school for increasing the skills and higher order thinking of the students.

Our Olympiad exams do a lot more to bring out the best in a child so as to motivate them to achieve better. A rank in the Olympiad develops a sense of confidence in the students and their parents. This also help parents in identifying the talent of their child.

The Objective Of Our Foundation is to enhance the additional learning spectrum of students in order to develop their skills, knowledge and expertise. As we know that the world is completely pivoted on inventing new technologies daily. Hence it is important to think and plan about future with full motivation for the bright future of every student.
Olympiad Foundation has been striving for three years to motivate students for increasing their skills in their particular field.

Our Mission

Twenty first century is highly dynamic as a result everything around us is changing dramatically. Pursuing these changing scenario Olympiad Foundation is exerting extensively to :
Provide healthy and competitive spirit among students so that they can face the upcoming challenges of life .
Create a feeling of globalization by encouraging students to participate in such type of Exams.
Provide practical based knowledge to stimulate their innovative and creative instincts.
Identify and give chance to future creators in every field including Science, Maths and various Languages at school level.
Include recent Researches, Tools , new Publications and Thesis.
Provide students a competitive spirit at school level in all stages so that future creators could prove themselves and get maximum benefit from available resources.
Last but not least it aims to include all kinds of students from all categories to provide them a chance to show their talent through such kind of Exams.
Identify viable talents and encourage their exertions towards right direction.
Olympiad books

Books will soon be available for every classes.
Olympiad Foundation - Achivements 2020
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